Thyroid cancer

At the American Hospital of Paris, patients with thyroid cancer receive multidisciplinary care from a range of specialists.

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Notre service d’oto-rhino-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico-faciale prend en charge toutes les pathologies touchant le nez, la gorge, le cou et les oreilles, et notamment la chirurgie de la thyroïde.
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How is thyroid cancer diagnosed and treated at the American Hospital of Paris?

Diagnoses are made by our endocrinologists and thyroidologists. If an undetermined or cancerous tumor is suspected or detected, surgical treatment is discussed during a multidisciplinary team meeting.

What exams are necessary before treatment?

All the exams that are needed for the diagnosis as well as any preoperative exams can be performed at the American Hospital of Paris. The Hospital features latest-generation diagnostic and testing technology including a high-precision ultrasound system and a scintigraphy device, coupled with internationally renowned specialists: thyroidologist, nuclear medicine specialist, anatomical pathologist and cytotechnologist specialized in thyroid tumors. This enables extremely accurate thyroid tumor diagnostics.

Once the required tests have been performed, a multidisciplinary team meeting is held to determine whether surgery is appropriate.


How is treatment organized at the American Hospital of Paris?

During the preoperative consultation with the surgeon, the entire procedure is explained to the patient and a date is scheduled for the operation. The patient is admitted to the Hospital on the morning of the procedure and can usually leave after one or two days. An initial analysis of the tumor is conducted during the operation, and a definitive analysis is provided to the surgeon one week later. The exact diagnosis is then announced to the patient by their doctor.

American Hospital of Paris