foetal medecine
What is fetal blood sampling?
Il s’agit d’un prélèvement sanguin chez le fœtus qui est réalisé sous guidage échographique par un médecin expert spécialisé en médecine fœtale.<}0{>Fetal blood sampling is a procedure in which a small amount of blood is taken under ultrasound guidance from a fetus by a doctor specialized in fetal medicine. <0} {0>Ce prélèvement est réalisé dans le cordon ombilical, de préférence au niveau de son insertion placentaire.<}0{>The sample is removed from the umbilical cord, preferably where it joins the placenta.
What are the limitations and potential complications of fetal blood sampling?
Fetal blood sampling can be done for pregnancies starting from 18 weeks after the last menstrual period (LMP).
Certain technical factors, such as maternal obesity, poor echogenicity, low amniotic fluid level or the position of the placenta, may reduce the effectiveness of this procedure.
Fetal blood sampling is used to obtain a small amount of blood, determined based on the gestational age (around 3 ml at 18 weeks LMP)
Possible complications include:
- Rupture of the membranes
- Bleeding
- Maternal fever
- Contractions
- Premature delivery
- Fetal death (miscarriage, intrauterine fetal death)
The risk of complications is around 2%.
If you experience any symptoms, go to the closest gynecological emergency care center and bring your complete medical file.
When is fetal blood sampling offered?
It might be offered to you in order to perform:
- A fetal karyotype within a short timeframe (48 hours instead of 10 days when performed using amniotic fluid or chorionic villi), in the event of a fetal malformation.
- CBC (complete blood count), to determine the levels of hemoglobin, platelets, etc. if fetal anemia or infection is suspected, for example.
- A clotting test if there are signs of bleeding.
This same procedure can also be used to perform an intrauterine fetal blood transfusion if severe fetal anemia is diagnosed through ultrasound and confirmed by measuring the level of hemoglobin in the fetal blood.