One Day Test
The One Day Test assesses the risk of Trisomy 21. This test detects 90% of affected fetuses.
Prenatal prevention and screening center
One Day Test
Maternal blood test
to evaluate first trimester maternal serum markers (free beta and PAPP-A)
Anatomy scan
performed by a sonographer specialized in prenatal diagnostics:
- Measurement of nuchal translucency and analysis of other markers indicating a risk of chromosomal abnormality
- Early screening for the main fetal abnormalities identifiable at this stage
- Analysis of the uterine cervix and the placenta
Prenatal consultation
with a specialist to discuss your screening test results
After this series of exams and consultations, other tests designed to screen (in particular NIPT on maternal blood [link]) or diagnose (chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis) may be ordered.
You will also receive information about hygiene and preventing infection.
Le One day Test à l'Hôpital Américain de Paris
The One Day Test allows you to undergo all the necessary tests over a half-day. Results are available in less than three hours.
American Hospital of Paris
American Hospital of Paris