One-Day Thyroid Diagnosis
We are a leading thyroid disease center and a pioneer in the use of two minimally invasive treatments: transaxillary robot-assisted thyroidectomy and thermal ablation.
We are the only center in the greater Paris area to provide diagnosis within 24 hours. The typical wait time ranges from ten to fifteen days.
Thyroid FNA biopsy is a minimally invasive procedure that is generally well-tolerated by patients. It consists in extracting cells from a thyroid nodule, a lymph node or a lump in the neck in order to make a diagnosis.
What thyroid nodule treatments are available at the American Hospital of Paris?
We provide treatment for thyroid nodules whether they are detected by the patient through a self exam, by a doctor during a thyroid palpation, or by chance. In this last scenario, known as thyroid incidentaloma, a nodule is discovered during an imaging exam, such as a CT scan, PET scan or supra-aortic trunk Doppler exam, performed for indications other than thyroid evaluation.
- First, the patient comes for a consultation at the American Hospital of Paris.
- If necessary, an expert ultrasound is performed in our center. If the patient has already undergone a high-quality ultrasound, there is no need for an additional one, and the FNA biopsy can scheduled.
- A specific appointment is made for the thyroid FNA biopsy, which will be performed by an experienced health care provider.
- The day of the appointment, the procedure is performed and an on-site cytopathologist with expert thyroid disease knowledge analyzes the specimen contained between glass slides.
- The biopsy results are provided and explained to the patient the same day, in person.
- Patients can contact their endocrinologist, surgeon or other provider the very next day. By then, the doctor who ordered the biopsy will have received the results.
What happens during a thyroid fine-needle aspiration biopsy?
Step 1: A thyroid ultrasound exam with nodule mapping is performed.
Step 2: The indication for a thyroid FNA biopsy is confirmed and the procedure is performed.
Step 3: The slides containing the specimens are sent to the lab for analysis under a microscope.
Step 4: The biopsy results are provided and explained to the patient the same day, in person.
What are the benefits for the patient?
When you come to our expert center for treatment, you benefit from:
- Quicker results, which reduces anxiety
- An immediate expert analysis performed with cutting-edge equipment
- The expertise of health care providers experienced in thyroid nodules: specialist consultation, thyroid ultrasound, fine-needle aspiration biopsy, thyroid scan, surgical opinion<0}
- A personalized care plan, if necessary, comprising ultrasound surveillance, radioactive iodine therapy for hot nodules, surgical treatment in the event of cancer; thermal ablation for benign nodules that cause discomfort.
Complex cases are systematically discussed during multidisciplinary team meetings at the American Hospital of Paris.
What documents should I bring the day of the FNA biopsy?
- Previous ultrasound results
- Previous FNA biopsy results
- Thyroid blood test results
- FNA biopsy prescription and contact details of the prescribing doctor (so we can send the results)
- Please let us know prior to your appointment whether you take blood thinning or antiplatelet medication
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