Diabétologie endocrinologie

Diabetes - Endocrinology

The unit specializes in the treatment of diabetes (all types), diabetes-related complications, endocrine disorders (of the pituitary, adrenal or thyroid glands), and obesity.
Diabetes - Endocrinology
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Thyroïdologie morphologique et interventionnelle

Chirurgie de la thyroïde

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Diabetes - Endocrinology Consultations

Office 20 - Wing B - Level 1

Consultations de Thyroïdologie morphologique et interventionnelle

Bureau 52 - Aile E (département radiologie) - Niveau 1

Conditions Frequently Treated

Our Service

Our unit’s senior physicians are available for consultations every day and are present on-site. They can also be reached 24/7 if needed.

Patients suffering from gestational diabetes can be monitored remotely to track their glucose levels and avoid unnecessary travel.

Complex cases are discussed by a multidisciplinary team at weekly meetings.

Each month, a multidisciplinary meeting is held to discuss thyroid and parathyroid care. The team consists of surgeons, nuclear medicine specialists, endocrinologists, and specialists in thyroid ultrasound and the nonsurgical treatment of thyroid and parathyroid nodules.

What Sets Us Apart

  • Availability
    We deliver comprehensive care that extends beyond a patient’s consultation or hospitalization to include follow-up and support.
  • Rapid Care
    We strive to minimize any wait for consultations or additional exams that may be required.
  • Innovative Treatments
    In our service, you have access to the latest innovations in diabetes care and thyroid treatment.

Treatments & Exams

The American Hospital of Paris’s diagnostics and testing facilities are available to you for any additional exams you need (blood tests, imaging, endoscopy, etc.), and in the shortest possible time frame.
Our diabetes and endocrine treatment services include:
endocrine system

Endocrinology - Main treatments & exams

Diabétologie endocrinologie

Thyroidology - Main treatments & exams

The association of clinical examination and ultrasound (EU-TIRADS, Elastography and pulsed Dopller) is indissociable and constitutes the basis of the reasoning which, together with biology, will lead to a possible treatment, or to preliminary complementary examinations.
cancer de la thyroide


The thyroid, from the ancient Greek thyreos "long shield", is a gland located at the base of the neck, acting on the metabolism of most cells in the body. Like the liver, it is a metabolic "control tower" and is necessary for life, especially for cognitive development.

The thyroid gland is a single, median endocrine gland located on the anterior aspect of the neck, opposite the second and third tracheal rings, to which it is attached by Grüber's ligament. It is composed of two lateral lobes joined by an isthmus from which the pyramidal lobe arises inconstantly, in the form of an upper extension slightly lateralized to the left and following the thyroglossal tract. The thyroid gland is H-shaped or butterfly-shaped, its weight is about 20 to 30 grams, with a soft and elastic consistency, reddish in color. Its volume is subject to inter-individual variations according to age, sex, weight, height, iodine load and a possible pathology (nodule, goiter, atrophic thyroiditis...).

The thyroid is a richly vascularized gland, due to the necessity of the passage of the hormonal messenger in the plasma to reach its target organs. The arterial vascularization is ensured by the superior, middle and inferior thyroid arteries.

Lymphatic drainage is important to know, especially in the context of thyroid cancers where ultrasound lymph node staging is essential for surgical management. Two main lymph node groups are individualized: the central compartment including the supra/sub-isthmic, recurrent and upper mediastinal nodes; the lateral compartment with the internal jugular and spinal chains.

The thyroid body is in "intimate" contact with the recurrent laryngeal nerve, the motor for the vocal cords.