An Innovative Treatment for Arrhythmia Now Available at the American Hospital of Paris
This tool, which is crucial for curing heart rhythm disorders such as atrial fibrillation, further enhances the world-class medical care we provide to our patients.

A Permanent Cure for Arrhythmia
In line with the latest international recommendations, the American Hospital of Paris can now guarantee permanent recovery from arrhythmia by expanding the use of this major medical innovation.
Curing Arrythmia with Radiofrequency Ablation or Cryoablation
To eliminate the electrical short circuits that cause arrhythmia, medication was the preferred remedy for years, but this solution is not effective over the long term. The patient always relapses and may also suffer from serious side effects. Today, the French, European and American health authorities mainly recommend radiofrequency ablation or cryoablation as the first-line treatment, because ablation is the only option that guarantees permanent recovery from the disease.
This minimally invasive procedure is performed under general anesthesia to ensure the patient is comfortable. The doctor inserts a catheter into a vein in the groin and guides it to the atria, where the pulmonary veins connect to the heart. By fusing a 3D image of the heart with an image produced by a 3D scanner, the Carto® heart navigation and mapping system produces an ultra high definition picture which is used to view heart muscle contractions and identify any short circuits. Two options are then proposed: radiofrequency ablation or cryoablation to eliminate the short circuits.
- Heat from the radiofrequency energy creates scar tissue which isolates the abnormal electrical signals and prevents them from travelling throughout the heart.
- With cryoablation, a tiny balloon is inflated at the opening of the pulmonary vein. The temperature of the balloon is brought down to -60° C using a special coolant gas. A catheter verifies the electrical disconnection in real time.
Regardless of the method used, ablation is the ultimate illustration of technical prowess. Today at the American Hospital of Paris, the risk of complication has been lowered to almost zero thanks to technological advances and the mastery of the technique. For the patient, this represents a chance for full recovery from the disease.
Thank you for your generosity
The American Hospital of Paris and the team of Dr. Thierry Zerah, Head of the Interventional Arrhythmia Center, extend their heartfelt gratitude to all those who chose to support this major medical innovation for our patients.