Nuclear Medicine
Useful information
Conventional Nuclear Medicine Unit (Scintigraphy)
Nuclear Medicine Unit (PETscan)
Covid and continuity of care
The current epidemiological context should not be synonymous with giving up care and it is important not to unduly delay diagnostic or therapeutic treatment, the postponement of which could result in a loss of opportunity.
Thus, if you are concerned by a chronic pathology such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, but also cancer, continue to consult your doctor and carry out the additional examinations requested.
In order for you to be able to carry out the scan or PET scan prescribed by your doctor with peace of mind, the Nuclear Medicine Unit of the American Hospital in Paris has put in place measures aimed at respecting the health recommendations to fight against the transmission of Covid-19.
Thus, all our employees are equipped with individual protection (masks, gloves, overcoats...), our secretariats are equipped with plexiglass hygienaphones, our waiting rooms have been rearranged to respect physical distance and are regularly cleaned. Hydro-alcoholic gels are available in each room. The injection and examination rooms are disinfected after each use. Whenever possible, we invite you to come with your own personal protective mask and we ask those accompanying you to stay out of the department. However, we can provide you with a surgical mask if necessary.
All the teams of the Nuclear Medicine Unit are mobilized to ensure your health security and remain at your disposal for any further information.
Conditions Frequently Treated
- Bone scans (rheumatic, orthopedic and oncological disorders)
- Cardiac scintigraphy (coronary insufficiency)
- Lung scans (suspicion/monitoring of pulmonary embolism)
- Sentinel lymph node scans (breast and gynecological tumors, melanomas)
- DaTscan (to help diagnose Parkinson’s disease)
- Renal scintigraphy (MAG3, DTPA and DSMA)
- Parathyroid scintigraphy
- Cardiac amyloidosis scintigraphy
- FDG-PET scan/ Internal Medicine (long-term fever, source of infection research)
- FDG-PET scan/Amyloid plaques (neurodegenerative diseases)
- Irathérapie à l'iode 131
Our department conducts all nuclear medicine testing, including conventional scintigraphy as well as PET (Positron Emission Tomography) imaging.
All our doctors are senior physicians, and we do not bring in replacement doctors.
Our nuclear medicine physicians have specific expertise in all fields (neurology, oncology, cardiology, etc.). They regularly attend multidisciplinary consultative meetings at the American Hospital of Paris, but also at many institutions in Paris (including the Hartman, Ambroise Paré, Saint Jean de Dieu, Bizet and Hôpital Saint Louis clinics).

Other pathologies treated