One Day Breast Diag
The American Hospital of Paris helps women reduce the anxiety-inducing wait time for diagnosis and results.
When a self-exam or mammogram reveals an anomaly or suspected breast cancer, waiting for the next exams can be a long and stressful period.
Our complete breast diagnosis, which only takes a half-day, is designed for:
- Patients with a symptom affecting the breast, such as a lump, discharge or inflammation, detected through a self-exam or by a doctor
- Patients with an anomaly detected through imaging or a clinical exam
- Patients who would like a second diagnostic opinion
With a very quick appointment, the One Day Breast Diag program makes it possible to have a diagnosis in half a day, in most situations, to determine the nature of the abnormality observed. If the patient wishes and if it proves necessary, a course of treatment can be organized in a very short time.
The One-Day Breast Diagnosis, which can be scheduled with little to no delay, allows most patients to receive a diagnosis revealing the exact nature of their anomaly in just one half-day. When necessary, treatment can be organized very rapidly, if desired by the patient.
Results are provided to the patient the same day.
One Day Diag sein
A personalized extremely rapid diagnosis to quickly eliminate any uncertainty
The One-Day Breast Diagnosis is designed to facilitate the care pathway for women and bring reassurance when they are faced with a suspicious anomaly. It eliminates the waiting periods for appointments and exam results, which cause anxiety and may delay the beginning of treatment.
All throughout the half-day visit, the patient is supported by a coordinating nurse and a volunteer. She may also be accompanied by the person of her choice, except during the exams, when that person will be asked to remain in the waiting room.
This approach to patient support is core to the American Hospital of Paris’s caregiving philosophy.

Le OnedayDIAG sein présenté par le Dr Abehsera
Full diagnosis in one half-day
1- in a single, dedicated location
The entire procedure takes place in a single, dedicated location guaranteeing privacy and confidentiality.
2 - During a consultation with an oncologist specialized in breast pathologies,
information is collected about the patient’s current breast problem as well as her personal, gynecological and family medical history, treatments such as hormone replacement therapy and contraception, and other individual risk factors. All previous medical documents and exam results are reviewed.
The oncologist performs a clinical exam with special focus on the breasts and lymph nodes (axillary and supraclavicular). At this stage, he or she will decide which additional tests should be performed that day to complete the diagnosis and may also explain the various diagnostic hypotheses.
3 - Radiological workup and analysis
any previously performed imaging exams are reviewed. A mammogram and breast ultrasound are performed if they were not previously done or if additional information is needed.
If indicated, fine-needle aspiration and/ or biopsy is performed in the presence of an anatomical pathologist. The sampling technique enables a rapid interpretation of the result.
A breast MRI and other additional tests may be scheduled if necessary. -
4 - Specimens are analyzed
by the anatomical pathologist. Rapid interpretation revealing whether or not tumor cells are present is only possible for fine-needle aspiration. If a biopsy is performed, results are delivered during a second appointment, 24 to 48 hours later.
5 - A multidisciplinary team meeting
Before the results are announced, a multidisciplinary team meeting takes place between the radiologist, the anatomical pathologist and the oncologist in order to reach a diagnostic consensus and ensure all test results are concordant.
6- Once the results are announced,
the different treatment options are explained and, if the patient wishes, organized.
If surgery is being considered, the patient sees a specialist surgeon the same day and surgery can be scheduled within a very short timeframe.
If the result is benign, recommendations for surveillance and subsequent monitoring are given, and the necessary appointments can be scheduled immediately.
Lastly, a detailed report is provided to the patient and to the various physicians in charge of her care.
Le parcours présenté par les intervenants

What papers should I bring?
- Physician’s referral letter, if any
- All mammograms, ultrasounds (both old and recent), and any other exams including the pathology report if a biopsy has already been performed
- Summary report of past surgeries (with dates), overall health (including high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, drug allergies) and any treatments underway
- Administrative papers: ID, Carte Vitale, supplemental health insurance card and schedule of benefits
The American Hospital of Paris has its own cancer center where comprehensive breast cancer care is provided by an exclusive multidisciplinary team at every stage of the pathway.
Screening and personalized prevention (Women’s Risk Institute), diagnosis, surgery (tumor removal, reconstruction and cosmetic surgery), chemotherapy and radiation therapy (at the Porte de St Cloud Cancer Center), and supportive care (Wellness Lab).
- In a Hospital offering every medical and surgical specialty, including cardiology, neurology, orthopedics and infectious disease
- 24/7 Emergency Care Center guaranteeing quick response times
- Quality and safety of care: dual accreditation by The Joint Commission (USA) and the Haute Autorité de Santé (France). Each patient’s case is systematically reviewed and validated during a multidisciplinary team meeting

Choose the American Hospital of Paris
- Latest-generation imaging technology dedicated to oncology, bolstered by Artificial Intelligence software (3D mammography, MRI, PET scanner, interventional radiology), available on very short notice so all tests required for diagnosis and treatment can be performed quickly and on site
- Highly experienced senior physicians and surgeons, and a female oncologist specialized in breast cancer, all of whom can be easily reached by telephone and email.
- Personalized, coordinated care: each patient is monitored by an attending surgeon and an oncologist. A coordinating nurse, whom patients can contact directly, performs an individual assessment of supportive care needs and liaises between hospital and private practice health care professionals.
- Access to state-of-the-art biotechnology supporting the delivery of personalized, cutting-edge care: molecular profiling, genetic analysis, circulating tumor DNA.
- Unparalleled responsiveness
• Rapid scheduling of all consultations, exams, operations and chemotherapy sessions
• Coordinating nurse present and available throughout the entire care pathway
• Extended consultation hours (9 am to 7 pm)
• Thorough administrative assistance (dedicated patient advisor)
To obtain further information or make an appointment:
One Day Breast Diag
Tél. direct : + 33 (0)1 46 41 25 55
Courriel :
Presentation of the One Day Diag Sein - the half-day diagnosis of breast cancer